
Safety & Health

The safety of people and the environment are our top priority

“Our company places equally high priority on the safety of people, the environment and the production facilities, on the quality of its products and services, and on the economic efficiency of our operations. In case of doubt, absolute priority is given to human safety and environmental protection. No activity is so important that it cannot be carried out safely.”
PCK policy statement on the HSEQ Integrated Management System (Health - Safety - Environment & Energy - Quality)

PCK applies an integrated management system and is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001,

DIN EN ISO 14001and DIN EN ISO 45001 and DIN EN ISO 50001.

Our complex safety concept

PCK implements the highest safety standards for people, the environment and technology:

  • Monthly training on safety-conscious behaviour
  • Regular safety training for employees
  • High-tech safety technologies as part of plants and equipment
  • Access to state-of-the-art protective clothing, tools and equipment
  • Environmental and safety committees in all organisational units
  • Continuous exchange around safety with partner companies and professional associations

Environment, Quality & Energy

600 million euros for environmental protection

PCK has invested more than 600 million euros in environmental protection thus far:

  • in the construction of desulphurisation plants and flue gas cleaning
  • in the construction of new furnaces for optimised combustion to reduce emissions
  • in the use of low-sulphur gas as fuel for the furnace systems
  • in the construction of a new power plant with a three-stage flue gas cleaning system: denitrification, dust removal, desulphurisation
  • in the reconstruction of tank farms to reduce hydrocarbon emissions and protect the soil
  • in the development of an emission monitoring system
  • and, beyond that, in the remediation of contaminated sites from the GDR era as a major ecological project together with the Brandenburg state government, the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection, the BvS (Federal Institute for Special Tasks Arising from Unification, replacing the Treuhand) and the rural district of Uckermark.

Environmental phone line

As a service to our neighbours, we have set up an environmental phone line that is available for information 24/7: Phone: +49 3332 46 2244

Our quality assurance

Our employees ensure that quality requirements are met around the clock.

  • A comprehensive auditing system ensures high quality work at all times.
  • PCK manufactures more than half of its products in high-purity, sulphur-free quality. Gasoline and diesel are supplied with a sulphur content of less than 10 ppm.
  • Our DIN EN ISO 9001 certification system ensures that all our products are manufactured to the highest quality.
  • Regular sampling, intelligent laboratory analyses combined with state-of-the-art online analyses ensure that our customers always receive products of the highest quality.

Improving energy efficiency with PEP

Mineral oil processing requires high levels of energy. Increasing the energy efficiency is therefore a top priority of ours. PCK has developed an energy efficiency programme (PEP), which has been successfully implemented for five years.

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